Friday, April 27, 2012

Kite Flying Buddies

                                                                  "Kite Flying Buddies"
When I was little, my Dad used to make kites for me every February. One particular February, he made a yellow paper kite for me. My cousin and I immediately went out to fly it. I know my cousin was, at most, 4-5 years old (I was about a year younger) when this happened and it's a moment I will never forget. I can almost smell the air and see the light in the sky in my memory.

Blue Cat

                                                                         "Blue Cat"
This fellow was commissioned to me. Done from a picture, then 'translated' into water and colors to reflect all the light around him. It is also a miniature (2.5 x 3.5 inches). I know the cat, so I tried to grab his looks and personality; he is a very quiet guy that looks deeply into you.